Friday, January 8, 2010

My Encounter With A Liberal: Part III

My Fellow Americans,

After a brief recess, Jeannie's back.  I'm beginning to really understand what Glenn Beck means when he says liberals will "make blood shoot out your eyeballs."

Nevertheless, I will not back down.

Once again, Jeannie:

Hello Taylor Brown,

Thanks for posting your name..I just find it so funny that the most acrid responses and comments here are from people who hide themselves behind pithy little names.

I know you are not going to change my mind any more than I can change yours, but a third party might read this and see the light..

If you think I'm going to crumble under your teapots your all wrong..:)

I must say i was impressed with Ron Paul in the beginning, but when he proclaimed that we did not need the department of agriculture and education he lost me...

Anyone up for some more salmonella in their salad?

Who needs education? Just the privileged?

I'm laughing right now. Do you hear it?

Oh there is one nugget of worth coming from Ron Paul...we don't have the right to preemptively strike wherever and whenever we want!

Please continue deregulating cats toys aren't shiny enough, need more lead.


The Refounding Father's Response:


What are you talking about? Did you just see Ron Paul and stop reading? I mentioned I liked that he was fiscally conservative, that's it. Everything else you say there doesn't deserve're just ranting.

I'm glad you responded again because I wanted to ask you a few questions. Hopefully, you will actually answer them since Roger won't (or can't) give answers to his.

1. Why do you assume that I'm rich?

2. To you, are all conservatives white and rich? If so, is that not racist? After all, you assume I am racist.

3. You mentioned Canada. Is that the country you want the U.S. to become? Do you like Canada because patients from Montreal who need an angiogram have to go to Detroit or because of the high taxes?

4. If you want the country to look different...prove your case. What do you support and why? What do you envision for America? If Jeannie Danna were President of the United States, what would she do?

- The Refounding Father


But, wait -- there's more from Jeannie:

I'll answer#4 first TRF :)

If i were President i would throw all the lobbyists out the back-door and make them all come through the front,,transparently like the Teachers secret deals and padded bank accounts.

If i were president the EV one would be humming out of our hurt car factories and everyone would have their jobs back!

If i were president we would have clean energy jobs, cap & trade would be implemented immediately, and all the jobs shipped over seas would return. (there is a way)

Above all, if i were president, we would have National Health Care!


Doesn't she just want to make you scream?  Yeah, me too.  I don't know how she could type some of these ideas with a straight face.

The Refounding Father's Response:


You failed to prove your case. You're just saying what you would do. You simply give me examples without saying how they would make things better.

I asked: "4. If you want the country to look different...prove your case. What do you support and why? What do you envision for America? If Jeannie Danna were President of the United States, what would she do?"

How would your changes make things better?

- The Refounding Father


Why I continue to cast these conservative pearls before liberal swine I have no idea.  Stay tuned.  Check back for updates here and at  Be sure to check out my exchange with Jeannie's liberal pal, Roger, too, on the Blogcritics site.

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